List of Publications

Lena Morrish, Ph.D.

  1. Punina, E.A. (now Morrish, L.) An interactive system for the investigation of the statistical properties of aircraft automatic control systems. Proceedings of Conference on Computer science, University of Novosibirsk, USSR, September 1988 (in Russian).
  2. Cartmell, M.P., Morrish, L. and Taylor, A.J. The dynamics of spreader motion in a mobile gantry crane. The IUTAM Symposium at Bath University, September 1994, 39-44.
  3. Cartmell, M.P., Morrish, L. and Taylor, A.J. Modelling of a mobile gantry crane system as a basis for control. Proceedings of the Joint Hungarian-British Mechatronics Conference, Budapest, September 1994, 3-8.
  4. Morrish, L. Modelling of spreader hoist system in mobile gantry cranes. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1996.
  5. Morrish, L., Cartmell, M.P. and Taylor, A.J. Cable stretch asymmetries in multi-cable spreader suspension systems undergoing combined translations and rotations. Proceedings of IMechE, Part C, Vol.210, 1996, 225-237.
  6. Cartmell, M.P., Morrish L., Alberts, T.E. and Taylor, A.J. Controlling the nonlinear dynamics of gantry cranes. Machine Vibration, 5, 1996, 197-210.
  7. Morrish L., Cartmell, M.P. and Taylor, A.J. Geometry and kinematics of multicable spreader lifting gear. Proceedings of IMechE, Part C, Vol.211, 1997, 185-194.
  8. Cartmell, M.P., Morrish, L. and Taylor, A.J. Dynamics of spreader motion in a gantry crane. Proceedings of IMechE, Part C, Vol.212, 1998, 85-105
  9. Munro, R.G., Morrish, L. and Palmer, D. Gear transmission error outside the normal path of contact due to corner and top contact. Proceedings of IMechE, Part C, Vol.213, 1999, 389-400.
  10. Morrish, L. and Munro, R.G. Dynamics of lightly loaded machine tool gear drives. Lamdamap Conference, Longhirst Hall, Northumberland, July 1999, 195-204.
  11. Munro, R.G., Palmer, D. and Morrish, L. An experimental method to measure gear tooth stiffness throughout and beyond the path of Proceedings of IMechE, Part C, Vol.215 (special gear edition), 2001, 793-803.
  12. Wang, X. and Morrish, L. Transmission error and wear measurements of involute helicoidal worm gears. Proceedings of the International conference on Mechanical Transmissions, April 5-9, Chongqing, China, 2001, 667-682.
  13. Wang, X. and Morrish, L. Worm gear meshing stiffness calculations based on experiments. Proceedings of the Lamdamap Conference, Huddersfield, 2003, 371-380.
  14. Wang, X. and Morrish, L. Predictions of wear and transmission errors of cylindrical worm gears. Paper No DETC2003/PRG-48107, PTG conference in Chicago, September 2003, published in electronic format.
  15. Egorov, I.M. and Morrish, L. Digital approach for the solution of gearing problems. Paper No DETC2003/PRG-48085, PTG conference in Chicago, September 2003, published in electronic format.

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