It’s not maths to brain. It’s brain to maths! Part II

🧠+💜 Revolutionising students’ mathematics comprehension level
This article is the continuation from a previous article which demonstrated that:

relies on explaining maths and providing ample exercises to help children understand it.

This means the imposition of extremely primitive, rigid maths ideas onto a child’s brain, filled with misconceptions and emotions.

Instead, maths teaching should leverage the malleable nature of the child’s brain to help it adapt to rigid maths ideas.

Fundamental difference!


The truth is:

🧠 Maths is much simpler than commonly believed.
💜 And this is exactly why it’s hard to learn it.

We can help our children with maths by assisting them in understanding it as clearly as possible.

Otherwise, we subject our children to muddle through school maths exercises without consciously realising what they are doing.

This is why they struggle!

📢 They struggle NOT with maths.
📢 They struggle with this muddling!

There is only one way to help our children out of this struggle-muddle:

📢 Help them develop conscious maths understanding
by assisting their brains in tackling all
🧠maths brain-twisters🌀
One at a time.

And here is something remarkable that often happens as a result…

Check the slides below to see the transformative impact on our kids’ maths learning when they are supported in this manner.

This approach practically guarantees that they will never struggle with maths again and will consistently achieve their maximum maths potential!

❓ What strategies have you employed to make maths more enjoyable for your child?
Feel free to share your views with me!


Just saying to a child that maths is easy would only make it harder for them to learn it.
They have to see maths simplicity by themselves!
🧠 Understand maths ideas with their own brains to enable them
💜 Feel the simplicity of maths with their own hearts.

The younger the child, the higher the chance of experiencing the breakthrough sooner, along with all the positive benefits described in the slides below.

🟪 I help children excel in mathematics.
🟪 I share proven ideas on how to effectively help children with mathematics.
📢 If you found this article helpful, you might be interested in following #MorrishMaths on social media for FREE tips and ideas.

📢 Feel free to contact me directly to discuss your child’s progress in mathematics.

at home with maths

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