🧠+💜 Mathematics and 🖥📱 technology.

Maths is usually associated with numbers, computers and calculators.

So, technology is often used in maths lessons.


But this is likely to lead to the downfall of your child’s maths learning.

In reality technology is one of the main enemies of kids’ maths learning.

Here is why.


Teachers often use calculators and computers to “help” children learn maths and to “have fun”.

But this can do more harm than good.


Because calculators and computers are only tools.


Like a hammer.

A hammer will not put the picture on a wall for you.

You will!

A hammer is only your tool to enable you to do so.


Same with maths learning.


📱 If e.g. a calculator is used in maths lessons, children learn only how to use them to get the correct answer to a given maths problem.


In other words, they only learn how to press the buttons in the correct order, but they do not grow to understand maths itself!


This is why using calculators without maths understanding does not help kids learn maths.


In fact, it has the opposite effect.


Not only will it not help kids understand maths, it will also make them believe that calculators are cleverer than them! (Many of my students said this to me.)


As a result, they will lose confidence to learn maths and the downfall begins.


🖥 As for computers, it depends.


If children are invited to use some ready-to-use software on a computer to solve their maths problem – then computers do not help to learn maths, either. They are also only a tool to calculate.


🕹 🎮 🎲  However, if a computer is used to e.g. get children to play games that help them explore maths ideas, fix a few brain-twisters – i.e. help them understand maths – then, oh yes! Why not?


Especially so because kids love playing on a computer!


❓ What are your favourite games and puzzles that helped you improve maths understanding?
Let me know in the comments.

🟪 Over the years, I collated many puzzles and games that help my students develop better understanding of various maths topics.

📢 Looking to spend great time with your children, while helping them develop their correct maths thinking?

Contact me with a word “FUN” and I shall come back to you with some ideas of (computer) games and puzzles that you and your child can enjoy together – while fixing a few maths brain-twisters along the way!

🟪 I share tips and ideas about maths teaching methods that work well for most children.

🟪 Follow me #MorrihsMaths on social media to learn more.


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